Courgetti (courgette spaghetti) with red pesto and bacon
For Christmas, my lovely auntie gave me a spiralizer and ever since I've been trying to perfect courgetti. Well today I did it! Courgetti is a great, carb free substitute for pasta, great if you're slimming down or just want to add some extra veg to your pasta dishes! If you don't have a spiralizer very finely sliced courgette/courgette ribbons made with a potato peeler will work too. Have a play around!
1 Courgette per person
2 Tablespoons red pepper pesto
1 Small handful pine nuts
3 Rashers of smoked back bacon
Handful of peas
Grated parmesan, to serve (optional).
1. Make your courgetti. Wash, top and tail your courgette and cut it in half width ways. Stick half the courgette onto the prongs of your spiralizer and, using the medium-thick spaghetti attachment slowly start to turn your spiralizer handle until the courgette comes through the other end. Do the same for the rest of the courgette.
2. Dice the bacon into small squares and fry until crisp. About half way through frying, add the pine nuts to toast them.
3. Once the bacon is cooked, stir in the pesto, peas and courgetti. Heat for 2-3 minutes, making sure all the courgetti is coated. Don't heat it for too long, or your courgetti will go soft and slimy in texture.
4. Serve with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese. Enjoy!